
Fortescue Falls


The Pilbara region, known for its arid landscapes and rugged beauty, is a place where water is a precious resource. In such an environment, the sight of permanent water is a welcome and captivating experience. One such enchanting location is Fortescue Falls, a magnificent waterfall nestled within the heart of the Pilbara. Fed by a natural spring, this stunning cascade descends more than 20 meters, traversing a series of natural rock steps before gracefully culminating in a fern-lined pool.

Spectacular Views from Fortescue Falls Lookout

To truly appreciate the grandeur of Fortescue Falls, one must venture to the top of Dales Gorge, where the Fortescue Falls Lookout awaits. This lookout offers visitors unparalleled views of the waterfall, allowing them to witness the water's mesmerizing journey from a height of 100 meters. As visitors stand on the precipice, they are treated to a breathtaking panorama of the gorge and its surroundings, providing a unique perspective on the Pilbara's awe-inspiring landscape.

Fern Pool: A Lush Oasis in a Harsh Environment

Nestled amidst the rugged terrain and surrounded by graceful paperbarks and delicate ferns, Fern Pool stands as a lush oasis in the otherwise harsh Pilbara environment. Its tranquil waters beckon visitors, offering a serene respite from the arid surroundings. The stark contrast between the verdant vegetation and the aridity of the Pilbara creates a captivating ambiance that enchants all who visit. Whether one seeks solitude, a refreshing swim, or simply a moment of quiet reflection, Fern Pool provides an idyllic setting.

Exploring the Pilbara: Bushwalking Trails

For those eager to explore the Pilbara's natural wonders, Fortescue Falls acts as a gateway to a network of captivating bushwalking trails. Commencing from the Dales picnic area and Fortescue Falls carpark, these trails cater to various lengths and difficulty levels, accommodating both seasoned hikers and casual walkers. As visitors embark on these trails, they are enveloped by the enchanting sights and sounds of the Pilbara, with the opportunity to swim at Fortescue Falls and Fern Pool adding an element of invigorating adventure. It is essential for visitors to read all provided information carefully, ensuring a safe and enjoyable exploration of the region. Additional details on the trails can be found on TrailsWA, a valuable resource for trail-related information.

Circular Pool Lookout: A Trail to Majestic Views

One of the trails accessible from Fortescue Falls is the Circular Pool Lookout trail. This well-formed trail stretches across a flat terrain, leading visitors to a lookout point that serves as both a destination and a starting point for the Gorge Rim Walk. As visitors traverse the 150-meter trail, they are rewarded with captivating views of the Dales Gorge and Fortescue Falls, evoking a sense of wonder and awe. The relatively easy nature of this trail allows visitors to enjoy the majestic scenery without the need for extensive physical exertion.

Fortescue Falls Viewing Area: A Panoramic Delight

From the Fortescue Falls carpark, a trail guides visitors to the Fortescue Falls viewing area, perched on the edge of the gorge. As visitors follow this trail, a vista of unparalleled beauty unfolds before their eyes. From the lookout, they can behold the magnificent expanse of Dales Gorge, with Fortescue Falls commanding attention in the foreground. This vantage point offers a remarkable opportunity to appreciate the grandeur of the falls and gain a deeper understanding of the geological wonders that shape the Pilbara region.

Discovering Fortescue Falls Trail

For those seeking a more immersive experience, the Fortescue Falls Trail presents an enticing option. Starting from the viewing area, visitors descend into the gorge, following a series of steps that guide them deeper into the heart of this natural wonder. As they make their way along the 800-meter trail, the environment undergoes a captivating transformation. The once rugged terrain gives way to lush greenery, and the colors of the rocks intensify, displaying vibrant hues of red and purple. The trail culminates at the pool beneath Fortescue Falls, inviting visitors to cool off and revel in the refreshing embrace of its crystalline waters.

Exploring Dales Gorge Trail

For those yearning to explore the full breadth of Dales Gorge, the Dales Gorge Trail presents an invigorating adventure. This 2-kilometer loop trail winds along the gorge's floor, connecting Fortescue Falls Lookout with Three Ways Lookout. As visitors traverse this trail, they are immersed in the raw beauty of the Pilbara, surrounded by towering cliffs, ancient rock formations, and the gentle murmurs of cascading water. To return to Fortescue Falls Lookout and the parking area, visitors can join the Gorge Rim Trail, allowing them to savor the full splendor of this remarkable region.

Fern Pool: A Detour Worth Taking

For those visiting Fortescue Falls, a detour to Fern Pool is an opportunity that should not be missed. A short 300-meter optional detour from the falls leads visitors along the floor of the gorge, immersing them in the captivating beauty of the surroundings. As visitors venture along this detour, a sense of tranquility permeates the air, enveloping them in a serene atmosphere. It is important to note that bushwalking experience is recommended for this detour, ensuring a safe and enjoyable exploration of this captivating area.

In conclusion, Fortescue Falls stands as a testament to the captivating beauty of the Pilbara region. Its cascading waters, framed by the rugged landscape, offer a striking contrast to the aridity that characterizes this environment. Whether one seeks breathtaking views, a refreshing swim, or an immersive bushwalking experience, Fortescue Falls provides an oasis of wonder amidst the Pilbara's harsh terrain. So, come and discover the allure of Fortescue Falls, a haven of natural beauty waiting to be explored.


1. Can I swim at Fortescue Falls? Yes, Fortescue Falls offers visitors the opportunity to swim in its refreshing pool. It provides a rejuvenating experience amidst the captivating surroundings.

2. Are there any trails suitable for beginners? Yes, the Circular Pool Lookout trail and the Fortescue Falls viewing area trail are both relatively easy and suitable for beginners. They offer rewarding views without requiring extensive hiking experience.

3. How long does it take to complete the Dales Gorge Trail? The Dales Gorge Trail, including the return journey, typically takes around 3 hours and 30 minutes. It is advisable to allocate sufficient time to fully appreciate the gorge's beauty.

4. Is bushwalking experience necessary for the Fern Pool detour? Yes, bushwalking experience is recommended for the Fern Pool detour. It ensures a safe and enjoyable exploration of the gorge's floor and adds to the overall experience.

5. Are there any other resources for trail information? For more information on the various trails and their specifics, you can visit TrailsWA. It serves as a valuable resource for trail-related information, helping you plan your adventure in the Pilbara region.


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