
Beedelup Falls


The name Beedelup is derived from the Noongar word 'beejalup,' meaning place of rest. It perfectly encapsulates the serene and tranquil ambiance surrounding Beedelup Falls. Tucked away in nature's embrace, Beedelup Falls offers a respite from the bustle of everyday life, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the enchanting beauty of Western Australia's landscape.


Beedelup Falls, situated amidst the captivating wilderness, is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. As the name suggests, this location holds a special meaning derived from the Noongar language, reflecting its significance as a place of rest and rejuvenation. Stepping foot into Beedelup Falls feels like entering a sanctuary where time slows down, and the sounds of nature fill the air.

The Beauty of Beedelup Falls

At the heart of Beedelup Falls lies its most captivating feature: a mesmerizing waterfall that cascades down the rocks with grace and splendor. The sight of water gracefully flowing amidst the lush greenery creates a picturesque setting that's straight out of a postcard. As you explore the area, you'll find yourself surrounded by towering karri trees, interspersed with pockets of jarrah and marri trees, forming a tapestry of colors and textures.

To truly immerse yourself in the wonders of Beedelup Falls, embark on the four-and-a-half-kilometer hiking track that winds its way through the surrounding bushland. As you tread along the path, the rhythmic symphony of native wildlife will serenade you, creating a harmonious blend of sounds that add to the enchantment of the experience. Don't forget to cross the cool bridge that spans the glistening waters, providing a unique perspective of the falls and the natural beauty that surrounds them.

Location and Accessibility

Beedelup Falls is conveniently located approximately three-and-a-half hours south of Perth, making it an ideal addition to your next weekend getaway. Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat or an adventurous escapade, Beedelup Falls offers a perfect balance of both. The relatively short distance from the city allows you to escape the urban jungle and find solace in the embrace of nature's wonders.

Flora and Fauna at Beedelup Falls

Beedelup Falls is a sanctuary for a diverse range of flora and fauna. The enchanting world of giant karri trees dominates the landscape, creating a majestic canopy that shelters the forest floor below. These towering sentinels stand alongside smaller pockets of jarrah and marri trees, forming a rich tapestry of plant life. The soothing water flow adds to the mystical allure of the surroundings, providing a serene backdrop for your exploration.

Exploring Beedelup Falls

Upon arrival at Beedelup Falls, visitors can embark on a 300-meter walk trail that leads from the car park to the falls. The trail itself is a journey through nature's wonders, offering glimpses of the pristine beauty that awaits. As you traverse the trail, you'll encounter a suspension bridge that spans the meandering Beedelup Brook, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the sights and sounds of the falls.

For those seeking further adventure, additional walk trails depart from the falls and lead to the nearby Karri Valley Resort. These trails offer a chance to delve deeper into the surrounding wilderness, providing an opportunity to witness nature's marvels up close. Whether you choose to follow the trails or simply wander at your own pace, each step taken at Beedelup Falls is an invitation to explore and discover.

Beedelup Loop Walk

For avid hikers and nature enthusiasts, the Beedelup Loop Walk presents an exciting opportunity to venture deeper into the karri forest. Spanning a distance of 4.5 kilometers, this moderately challenging walk takes you on a journey through the heart of nature's grandeur. The trail meanders via Karri Valley Resort, allowing you to witness the diverse flora and fauna that call this place home. If time is a concern, the walk can be broken up into shorter sections, ensuring that everyone can experience the beauty of Beedelup Falls.

Spectacular Views from the Lookout

One of the highlights of visiting Beedelup Falls is the accessible lookout that offers awe-inspiring views of the cascading waters and the nearby Karri Valley Resort. From this vantage point, you can witness the grandeur of the falls in all their glory, marveling at the power and grace with which water descends from the rocky cliffs. The lookout provides a perfect backdrop for capturing memorable photographs or simply taking a moment to appreciate the wonders of nature.


Beedelup Falls is more than just a scenic destination; it's a sanctuary that beckons you to slow down, breathe in the fresh air, and reconnect with the natural world. From the majestic karri trees to the melodious symphony of wildlife, every aspect of Beedelup Falls invites you to embark on a journey of discovery and tranquility. Whether you're a nature lover, an adventure seeker, or simply in need of a place to rest and rejuvenate, Beedelup Falls offers an idyllic escape where the worries of everyday life melt away.


  1. Can I bring my dog to Beedelup Falls?
    • Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed at Beedelup Falls to preserve the natural habitat and ensure the safety of wildlife.
  2. When is the best time to visit Beedelup Falls?
    • Beedelup Falls can be enjoyed throughout the year, but the best time to witness them in full flow is during winter or early spring.
  3. How far is Beedelup Falls from Perth?
    • Beedelup Falls is located approximately three-and-a-half hours south of Perth.
  4. Are there accommodation options near Beedelup Falls?
    • Yes, the nearby Karri Valley Resort provides accommodation options for visitors seeking to extend their stay and explore the area further.
  5. Is Beedelup Loop Walk suitable for all fitness levels?
    • The Beedelup Loop Walk is moderately challenging, but it can be broken up into shorter sections to accommodate different fitness levels and preferences.


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