
Национальный парк Вилли Вилли


Willi Willi National Park is a beautiful and remote wilderness area located in the mid-north coast of New South Wales, Australia. The park covers an area of approximately 80 square kilometers and is known for its rugged terrain, dense forests, and stunning waterfalls. The park is a popular destination for hiking, camping, and nature observation, offering visitors an opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty and tranquility of the Australian bush.

География и история

The park is situated in the Great Dividing Range and is characterized by steep gorges, towering cliffs, and deep valleys. The park is home to the rugged Willi Willi Plateau, which rises to an elevation of over 1,200 meters above sea level. The plateau is covered in dense rainforest and is home to a range of rare and endangered plant and animal species.

The area has a rich cultural history, with evidence of Aboriginal occupation dating back over 5,000 years. The traditional custodians of the land are the Gumbaynggirr people, who have lived in the area for thousands of years. The park is named after the Gumbaynggirr word for "good" or "pleasant."

Флора и фауна

Willi Willi National Park is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, with over 600 plant species and 230 bird species recorded within the park's boundaries. The park's rainforest is home to a range of rare and endangered plant species, such as the giant stinging tree, the red cedar, and the silky oak. The park is also home to a range of wildlife, including the koala, the brush-tailed possum, the spotted-tailed quoll, and the powerful owl.

The park's rivers and streams are home to a range of freshwater fish species, such as the Australian bass and the eastern freshwater cod. The park is also home to a number of reptile and amphibian species, including the green tree frog, the eastern water dragon, and the carpet python.


Willi Willi National Park is a popular destination for hiking, with a number of trails ranging from easy walks to challenging multi-day hikes. The most popular trail in the park is the 6km return walk to the stunning Willi Willi Falls, which drops 30 meters into a deep plunge pool below.

Кемпинг в парке включает в себя как автомобильные, так и удаленные кемпинги с такими удобствами, как столы для пикника, кострища и туалеты. Удаленные кемпинги парка предлагают поистине захватывающий опыт дикой природы, без каких-либо удобств или услуг.

Парк также является отличным местом для наблюдения за птицами, поскольку в пределах парка обитает ряд редких и исчезающих видов птиц. Реки и ручьи парка популярны среди любителей рыбной ловли, где можно ловить различные виды пресноводных рыб.


Willi Willi National Park is managed by the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, with a focus on conserving the park's unique natural and cultural heritage. The park's conservation efforts include habitat restoration, weed and pest control, and scientific research.

The park's management also works closely with the traditional owners of the land, the Gumbaynggirr people, to ensure their cultural heritage is respected and preserved. The park's cultural heritage is protected through the management of cultural sites, and by working with local Aboriginal communities to develop cultural interpretation programs.




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