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Green Patch is a popular picnic spot located within the Booderee National Park, on the southern coast of New South Wales, Australia. The area is known for its calm waters, sandy beaches, and abundant marine life, making it an ideal destination for swimming, fishing, kayaking, and other water-based activities.

The beach at Green Patch is a favorite among families, as its calm waters and gentle waves make it safe and enjoyable for children to swim and play. The area is also popular for fishing, with a range of species such as flathead, bream, and whiting available year-round. Visitors can fish from the shore or take a boat out into deeper waters for a chance to catch larger fish such as snapper and kingfish.

Green Patch is also a popular spot for kayaking, with calm waters and stunning scenery that make for a relaxing and enjoyable paddle. Kayaks can be hired from the nearby Jervis Bay Kayak and Paddlesports Company, which offers guided tours and lessons for visitors of all skill levels.

In addition to its water-based activities, Green Patch is also a popular spot for picnics and barbecues, with several picnic tables and shelters available for visitors to use. The area is surrounded by lush greenery and native bushland, providing a picturesque backdrop for a relaxing day out in nature.

Green Patch is also home to a diverse range of marine life, including dolphins, whales, seals, and a wide variety of fish and other sea creatures. Visitors can often spot these animals while swimming, snorkeling, or kayaking in the area, making for a unique and unforgettable wildlife experience.




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