
Заповедник крири водно-болотных угодий


The Creery Wetlands Reserve is a natural treasure located in the suburb of North Lake, Western Australia. This beautiful nature reserve covers an area of 60 hectares and is home to a diverse range of wetland bird species, as well as native flora and fauna.

The reserve offers a peaceful and tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Visitors can enjoy the stunning views of the wetlands and the surrounding bushland, and observe the birdlife in their natural habitat. The reserve is especially popular among birdwatchers, as it offers a unique opportunity to see a wide range of wetland bird species up close.

The reserve features a network of walking trails that wind through the wetlands and bushland, providing visitors with a chance to explore the reserve's natural beauty. The trails are well-marked and suitable for all levels of fitness, and there are several viewing platforms that offer spectacular views of the wetlands and birdlife.

Guided tours are also available for those who want to learn more about the reserve's history and ecology. These tours are led by knowledgeable guides who provide insights into the flora, fauna, and cultural significance of the wetlands.

The Creery Wetlands Reserve is an important conservation area, and efforts are being made to protect and preserve its unique ecosystem. The reserve is home to several endangered species of birds and animals, including the Carnaby's black cockatoo, the western swamp tortoise, and the Quenda (also known as the southern brown bandicoot). Visitors are encouraged to be mindful of the reserve's fragile ecosystem and to follow all signs and guidelines to help protect it.




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