
Национальный парк Южный Мортон-Бей-Айлендс


Southern Moreton Bay Islands National Park is a protected area located in the southern part of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. The park is made up of four islands: North Stradbroke Island, South Stradbroke Island, Coochiemudlo Island, and Russell Island. The park covers an area of approximately 3,500 hectares and is managed by the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.

The Southern Moreton Bay Islands National Park is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. The islands are home to a diverse range of habitats, including eucalypt forests, wetlands, mangroves, and sandy beaches. The park provides visitors with the opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the islands and observe a variety of wildlife.

One of the main attractions in the park is the beaches. The islands have several beautiful beaches, including Main Beach on North Stradbroke Island, which is a popular destination for swimming and surfing. Visitors can also enjoy the scenic views of the ocean and the surrounding islands.

Another popular activity in the park is hiking. The islands have several hiking trails that provide visitors with the opportunity to explore the diverse landscapes of the park. The trails range from easy walks to more challenging hikes and offer scenic views of the islands and the ocean.

The Southern Moreton Bay Islands National Park is also home to a diverse range of wildlife. The islands are known for their birdlife, with several species of birds, including the threatened Eastern Curlew, nesting on the islands. The park is also home to several species of reptiles and marine life, including sea turtles, dolphins, and dugongs.

The islands in the park have a rich history and cultural significance. The area has been inhabited by the Quandamooka people for thousands of years, and there are several cultural sites on the islands that reflect this history. Visitors can learn about the traditional ways of life and the significance of the land to the local Indigenous people by visiting these sites and participating in cultural tours.

The Southern Moreton Bay Islands National Park also provides visitors with the opportunity to engage in a variety of water sports, including kayaking, snorkeling, and fishing. Visitors can explore the clear waters of the bay and observe the diverse marine life that inhabits the area.




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