
Национальный парк Кадмор


Cudmore National Park is a protected area located in the state of Queensland, Australia. The park is situated in the Central Highlands Region, approximately 525 kilometers northwest of Brisbane, and covers an area of about 9,293 hectares. The park is named after the Cudmore family, who were pioneers of the area and ran a cattle station here for many years.

The park is known for its diverse vegetation, which includes eucalypt woodlands, dry rainforest, and riparian habitats along the Comet River. The park is also home to a variety of wildlife, including kangaroos, wallabies, echidnas, possums, and a variety of bird species.

One of the main attractions of Cudmore National Park is the Boolimba Bluff, which rises to an elevation of 546 meters and offers spectacular views of the surrounding landscape. The bluff is accessible via a 3.6-kilometer walking track that starts at the park's picnic area. The track is graded as difficult and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete.

Another popular feature of the park is the Comet River, which flows through the park and provides opportunities for fishing and swimming. Visitors can also enjoy a picnic or barbecue at the park's facilities, which include tables, fire pits, and toilets.

For those interested in history, Cudmore National Park has a rich cultural heritage, with evidence of Aboriginal occupation dating back thousands of years. The park contains several sites of cultural significance, including rock art sites and artefact scatters. Visitors are advised to treat these sites with respect and avoid causing damage or disturbance.

Cudmore National Park is a remote and rugged area that offers visitors the opportunity to experience Queensland's natural beauty and tranquility. The park is accessible via a gravel road that is only suitable for high-clearance vehicles, and visitors are advised to come well-prepared with appropriate supplies and equipment.



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