
Île Willis

La description

Willis Island is a small coral cay located in the Coral Sea, approximately 450 kilometers east of Cairns, Australia. It is home to a weather station that has been operational since 1921 and is currently operated by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. The island is also an important nesting site for a variety of seabirds, including boobies, terns, and frigatebirds.

Despite its remote location, Willis Island has become an important site for climate research due to its unique position in the Coral Sea. The weather station on the island provides valuable data on weather patterns, sea surface temperatures, and ocean currents in the region. This information is used by meteorologists and climate scientists to monitor and predict weather events such as tropical cyclones, which can have a significant impact on nearby communities.

In addition to its scientific significance, Willis Island is also an important site for conservation. The island and its surrounding waters are part of the Coral Sea Marine Park, which was established in 2012 to protect the region's unique marine biodiversity. The marine park covers an area of more than one million square kilometers and is home to a variety of marine life, including whales, dolphins, sea turtles, and sharks.

The seabirds that nest on Willis Island are also an important part of the island's ecosystem. Boobies, terns, and frigatebirds use the island as a nesting site during the breeding season, which runs from October to March. These birds play an important role in the marine ecosystem, feeding on fish and other small marine creatures and helping to regulate populations.

Despite its remote location and protected status, Willis Island is not immune to the impacts of climate change. Rising sea levels and ocean acidification are threatening the island's coral reefs, which provide habitat for a variety of marine species. Severe weather events such as tropical cyclones can also cause significant damage to the island's infrastructure and ecosystem.




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